Friday, October 9, 2009

Beating paths

I walked out my front door today with a mission, pay the rent. I can hardly believe I've been in Japan for over a month now. What has been accomplished? What do I have to show for it? I'm glad I can answer that question.
For the most part, my 'productive' moments have been in the mornings. I get up and search job listings. Occasionally I unearth yet another website I can use to search from, but as yet I've only applied to specific translation jobs. Today changes all that. From the applications I've sent out, I've only received one response, and that response to tell me that they're not hiring anymore, but they'll keep my information for potential freelance work. Admittedly that's had me a bit down. But I'm clenching my fists and stamping my foot, I've found an English editing position and a techie job to apply for, but regrettably I've squandered the evening writing a short story. It's almost 1am now, I'll have to postpone the actual application to tomorrow, or rather, when I wake up later today.
It's been a heartening day, if a bit wearing overall. Like I said, I set out to Shinjuku today, which is normally a 20 minute walk and a couple train rides. I decided to cut one of the train rides out somewhat randomly. It's a lot longer walking to Shibuya than I thought. The bread I bought myself at the start of my walk was long gone before I even crossed this shrine, the namesake of this area Shoin Jinja
-mae (Meaning in front of Shoin Shrine) I've linked it's website in english. Interesting little story there. By the time I'd made it to Shibuya, I was feeling that prickling tingling sensation of skin separating, forming a blister on each foot. I'm getting quite familiar with this sensation. I may need to find some walking shoes for all of it I do around here.
... Also.. my internet is being exceptionally slow tonight. Picture uploads are not supposed to take this long in the post-dialup era.
I've been impressed with the positive attitude and helpfulness of my landlords, paying my rent today, the guy I was dealing with took an interest in how things were going, how's the job
search... etc etc. He directed me to a job agency locally and was pretty surprised at the lack of response I've gotten because 'you can speak Japanese.' We talked a bit about freelancing, which is how a lot of people residing at sakura house have done jobs while attending school and such. Anyhow, with forming blisters I took my leave and went to find this job agency.
I went, following the directions I'd been given.. but for all my searching (and another couple kilometers of walking) I found korea town... but no job agency. Here's another picture, not of that area, but of a shopping district near my apartment. I either passed right by it, or didn't go far enough. This is easy to do.. as I'm scanning signs, it's not just street level, there's little signs
everywhere, pointing to businesses on different floors, advertisements for everything... and try as I might, scanning the signs did not yield what I was looking for. The positive here is I recognized the name of the place, I'd seen one in Shibuya a week ago. I'm going to find an address and go there in person as soon as I can.

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