Thursday, February 25, 2010

This last weekend I got a new opportunity passed my way. Actually it was a few weeks previous I got the offer, but this last weekend was the fruit of it. I've not done any movie work before, so even being a 'featured extra' was something of a new experience. I've done plays... even that shakespeare fellowship (performances for elementary schools) for a while... just not on screen.

So I suppose some background is in order. Back in December I answered a craigslist ad for movie auditions. As you may no doubt surmise, I was not selected for the part I auditioned for, actually didn't even hear back from them at all after the callback I made, so I'd dismissed the whole thing as nothing lost. All until a few weeks ago when I get an email asking if I'd like to come be an extra... sure, why not? It's a new experience and I entertained delusions of having a line or maybe even two all the way up until late in the day thereof.

Being myself, I showed up far too early. I was due at 2:30, the crew was to arrive at the hospital at noon, of course I was in the neighborhood at 11. a quick stop by Many Lands to browse and I headed in. By the directions, everyone was arriving at a south entrance, so that's where I waited.

Some while of waiting and wandering around later and the real truth was unveiled shortly after i found someone else waiting where I was. We were discovered and subsequently pointed out to where things actually were going. So... arriving when I was supposed to would've actually been a big problem.. I have doubts that I'd have actually found them where I was looking.

On to the actual shooting. or, actually not on to it. See, I got there, ate lunch with them, chatted with crew and actors some, even chatted with the director a little. No, actually, they shot a couple other scenes and some conflicts on the room came up, really I just sat around and shot the bull for a couple hours... then I put on some scrubs and sat around some more, until after 5:30 actually.

The movie, Cricketless, is about a kid with no conscience. Everything I've seen so far indicates a romantic comedy, but really, check the site and you'll probably be able to derive most of what it is.

The real treat on this was seeing the shoot in progress. I felt like a (person who likes to observe things) in a (new environment full of things to observe). I'd have used 'kid in a candy store' but really, what kid in a candy store is thinking about how they make the candy.

I got to walk through the shot a few times, and with the angles shot, I might be fully removed from the movie if they so desired. Don't expect much, no one will come to know Hrothgar through this, but it should be a fun watch.

All told, I was on site for about 12 hours. and then I went to train for my new job until 4am. that... was a long day.


  1. Seemed you had an interesting day.
    I guess I have no chance to watch the movie from here.

  2. If I get a copy of the movie, you can see it when I come back out there!
